Mechanical cleaning

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Water treatment method
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Sand separator “SP”

Sand separator “SP”

Industrial wastewater,
Storm- and meltwater,
Domestic wastewater

It is designed for trapping, sedimentation, removal of hard sludge, containing in industrial wastewaters and process fluids and used in...

Belt screen "SL"

Belt screen "SL"

The belt screen is intended for removal of mechanical coarsely dispersed impurities from wastewaters, sludge thickening and preliminary...

Rake screen RG

Rake screen RG

Industrial wastewater,
Storm- and meltwater,
Domestic wastewater

The rake screen is designed for mechanical treatment of domestic, industrial and storm wastewaters.

Stepped screen “RS”

Stepped screen “RS”

Industrial wastewater,
Storm- and meltwater,
Domestic wastewater

The stepped screen is designed for mechanical treatment of domestic, industrial and storm wastewaters.

Drum screen «RB» and «RB-SH»

Drum screen «RB» and «RB-SH»

Industrial wastewater,
Storm- and meltwater,
Domestic wastewater

The screen is designed for entrapping and removal from wastewaters of coarse mechanical impurities (from 0,2 mm and bigger) in sewage sy...

Роторная решетка

Роторная решетка

Industrial wastewater,
Domestic wastewater

Роторная решетка состоит из корпуса с подводящим и отводящим патрубком. В качестве фильтрующего элемента использован барабан с равноудал...

Arc screen

Arc screen

Industrial wastewater,
Domestic wastewater

It is used for removal of small and middle-sized mechanical impurities from domestic and industrial wastewaters. Wide range of applicati...

Комбинированная установка механической очистки «КУМО»

Комбинированная установка механической очистки «КУМО»

Industrial wastewater,
Storm- and meltwater,
Domestic wastewater

Предназначена для комбинированной механической очистки производственных, хозяйственно-бытовых сточных вод.

Tangential sand catcher «PT»

Tangential sand catcher «PT»

Industrial wastewater,
Storm- and meltwater,
Domestic wastewater

Предназначена для механической очистки сточных вод от песка и других нерастворимых загрязнений минерального происхождения (шлака, металл...

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