It is used for removal of small and middle-sized mechanical impurities from domestic and industrial wastewaters. Wide range of application in leather-, textile-, pulp-and-paper, food and agricultural industries.
Arc screen consists of an embowed blade, a receiving chamber, a draining chamber, an exit chamber, supplying and exit pipe branches.
Discharge of waste products
How it works
Feed effluent comes through the supplying branch into the receiving chamber, where the flow is slowed down. The contaminated effluent comes through the drain edge on the embowed filtering blade. The size of the gap and the shape of the blade are being selected to ensure the maximal liquid flow at a given filtration level. Passed through the blade’s slots clarified water is gathered in the draining chamber and removed through the pipe. Under the weight of newly arrived entrapped impurities, solid inclusions move down to the sludge discharge tray. Optional a brush for impurities removal driven with a geared motor can be included in the set of the delivery.
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