Wastewaters treatment

Submersible ultrafiltration module "Crystall-UF-MBR"

  • Long term of membranes operation: not less than 10 years
  • High mechanical resistance of membranes
  • Ability to operate in high vacuum
  • Combination of advantages of flat and hollow fiber membranes
  • Wide capacity range
  • Possibility to operate at low transmembrane pressure in a gravity mode
  • Easy operation
Submersible ultrafiltration module

It is used for treatment of domestic and industrial wastewaters as a part of the membrane reactor (MBR); treatment of recirculated waters by means of ultrafiltration in the treatment facilities; treatment of drinking and process water from surface or underground sources by means of ultrafiltration as a part of the water treatment facilities complex.


Main characteristics

Technical specifications
Filtration area of the module
m 2
Filtration operating pressure, up to
0,075 MPa
Back flushing pressure, up to
0,03 MPa
Capacity, up to
25 l/m2h

How it works

Configuration of the module

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