The plant is designed for biological treatment of domestic and close to them in composition industrial wastewaters to the enforceable standards for discharge.
The technology is based on the deep biological treatment method with physical-chemical tertiary wastewater treatment from phosphorus compounds (when needed).
Characteristics of composition, wastewater flow regime and possible level of maintenance of facilities are taken into account in the technological scheme. The plants are manufactured individually in accordance with the technical task of the customer with consideration to their capacity and the region of operating.
Technology of the plant’s operation
Wastewater is supplied to the treatment plant with the sewerage pumps, placed in the sewerage pumping station or in the balancing tank. The first stage of wastewaters treatment is mechanical treatment to remove large impurities of organic and mineral origin, fibers and particulate pollutants. The second stage is the biological wastewaters treatment using the prolongated aeration technology. The bioblock is built based on the cylindric steel reservoirs (RSS), aboveground containers of full factory readiness or underground cylindric polymer reservoirs. The third stage of wastewaters treatment is the separation of active sludge and treated water and formation of circulating and excess active sludge flow in the secondary tanks. Treated wastewater is disinfected before discharge. Excess active sludge, separated in the secondary tank is sent for dewatering under natural conditions (sludge fields) or mechanical dewatering. All process pipelines and shut-off and control valves within the scope of the treatment plant are in the delivery set of the manufacturing factory.
Completed projects
All projectsTC "KRASNY BOR" — Dobroplesy, Verkhnedvinsky District, Belarus
Promstroycentr LLC — Glubokoje, Belarus
Belarusian NPP — Ostrovets, Belarus
Orsha Flax Factory RUPTP — ORSHA, BELARUS
LLC Promstroycentre — Verkhnedvinsk, Belarus
Application form