This event has become an important platform for experience exchange and presentation of modern technological solutions in water and wastewater treatment.
The first day of the competition was marked by the report of the chief technologist of the company “Polymerconstruction”, Valery Elovik. In his report “Modern technological solutions for treatment of water from surface sources” he told in detail about the latest developments and methods, which are used by the company for effective water treatment. Special attention was paid to innovative technologies and materials, which can significantly improve the water quality and reduce expenses for its treatment.
Next day, on 19 of June, Oleg Avrutin made a report and represented a topic “Achievement of sustained quality of treatment of water of inhabited localities with usage of membrane ultrafiltration technologies”. In his report, he pointed out the importance of usage of advanced membrane technologies to ensure consistently high quality of wastewater treatment. The report aroused great interest of the exhibition participants and became a reason for heated disputes about the future of the water treatment technologies.
Participation in VODEXPO 2024 enabled “Polymerconstruction” not only to represent its achievements and innovations in water and wastewater treatment but also to strengthen its positions on the market, start new partnerships and exchange experience with colleagues from the sector.
We are proud of our specialists and appreciate their contribution to the development of modern water and wastewater treatment technologies. We hope that their knowledge and experience will contribute to further development and implementation of effective solutions in this important area.