II International forum «Innovative entrepreneurship of the Vitebsk region «From small to great»

From 17 to 18 November 2016 г. under the egis of the International week of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus took place II International forum «Innovative entrepreneurship of the Vitebsk region «From small to great».

This event attracted the attention of the government authorities representatives from Belarus, Russia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and China.
During the forum was discussed the innovative technologies and equipment advancement in various spheres and emerging issues in entering the international markets. Specialists of UE «Polymerconstruction» managed to talk to the visitors of the forum from different countries and to establish new business contacts.

The representatives of UE «Polymerconstruction» were awarded with the diploma for active participation in the forum and the Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk Executive Committee O.S. Matskevich thanked them for support in organizing and conducting of the forum. 

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