Reconstruction of production wastewater facilities of Orsha Flax Factory RUPTP was completed.
In December 2017, the commissioning of the facility «Modernization of RUPTP «Orsha Flax Factory» with the expansion of production at Molodezhnaya Street, 3 in Orsha was carried out. «The second stage of modernization. Reconstruction of facilities for preliminary treatment of industrial wastewater. The 8th start-up complex», within the framework of which the technological equipment for local treatment of production wastewater from factories No. 2, 3 from suspended solids, oil products and mechanical treatment of general production wastewater before the averager with pH correction with a total capacity of 8 000 m.cube/day produced by UP «Polymerkonstruсtion» was manufactured and installed.
The manufactured complex of treatment facilities is represented by several blocks:
All installed equipment is a new line of products produced by UP «Polimerkonstruktsiya».